이승호박사 Journal of Ecology. 염생식물 복원 논문게재
본 연구소 이승호 박사가 주력 연구사업인 염생식물 생육유도 및 복원과 관련하여 [Journal of Ecology and Environment](2016) 40:4
에 논문을 게재하였음을 알려드립니다.
[Zonation and soil factors of salt marsh
halophyte communities]
Jeom-Sook Lee1, Jong-Wook Kim4*, Seung Ho Lee2, Hyeon-Ho Myeong3, Jung-Yun Lee4 and Jang Sam Cho5
Background: The structures and soil factors of Suaeda glauca-Suaeda japonica zonal communities and Phragmites
australis-S. japonica zonal communities were studied in salt marshes of west and south coasts of South Korea to
provide basic data for coastal wetland conservation and restoration.
Results: S. glauca community mean length was 67 m and S. japonica community mean length was 567 m in zonal
communities, and P. australis and S. japonica community mean length were 57 m and 191 m in zonal communities.
Regarding the electrical conductivity, sodium content, and clay contents in Upnae-ri, Shinan-gun, there were
significant differences among zonal communities at significance level of 0.05 for two-sided t test. However, other
factors were not significantly different.
Conclusions: The results indicate that multiple factors such as electronic conductivity, total nitrogen level, clay, and
sodium might play important roles in the formation of zonal plant communities of salt marshes.
Keywords: Zonation, Salt marsh plant, Soil factor, Suaeda glauca, S. japonica, Phragmites australis